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Jack Frost has arrived!


Now that the leaves have fallen and winter is setting in its time to take care of a few things before you wax the skis.

  • Removing fallen leaves from the rain gutter and downspouts is a priority. Some years, timing your trip up the ladder before the gutter freezes and after the last leaf falls is tough to do.

  • While your cleaning the gutter, tighten or replace any loose or broken hangars.

  • Remove and store your rain barrels before they freeze and crack.

  • Inspect your de-icing cable for damage. Plug it in and feel the cable to see if

warm. You don't need to run your heat cable unless there's snow or ice on the roof and the temperature is between 20 - 40 degrees.

  • Keep an eye on the roof during the winter, watch for an accumulation of snow and ice that may be forming an ice dam. Click the ICE DAMS button below to learn more.

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